cannot catch up the pitch 意味

  • <→CAN'T catch up the pitch>


        can't catch up the pitch:    《野球》振り遅れる
        catch a pitch:    投球{とうきゅう}を受ける
        pitch and catch:    {自動} :
        pitch-and-catch:    {自動} : 〈性俗〉両刀{りょうとう}を使う
        pitch up:    {名} :
        pitch-up:    {名} : 《航空》ピッチアップ
        catch up:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        catch up on:    {句動-1} : ~に追いつく、~に遅れずについて行く -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (遅れ?不足{ふそく}を)取り戻す、取り返す They had to catch up on things during their absence. 彼らは、
        catch up to:    ~に追いつく
        catch up with:    {1} : ~に追いつく、~について行く、~と肩を並べる Lucy wanted to catch up with the car in front of her. ルーシーは彼女の前を走っている車に追いつきたかった。 The years are catching up with me. 年を取って無理が利かなくなりました -----------------------------------
        catch-up:    {名} : 遅れの取り戻し、追い上げ、巻き返し -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 遅れを取り戻すための、追い上げるための、巻き返しの[を狙った]
        to catch up (with):    to catch up (with) 追いつく 追い付く 追い着く おいつく
        set up the same pitch:    《野球》(キャッチャーが前の投球{とうきゅう}と)同じコースにかまえる
        take up one's pitch:    分を守る
        cannot get hung up on:    


  1. "cannot call one's soul one's own" 意味
  2. "cannot care less" 意味
  3. "cannot carry a tune" 意味
  4. "cannot carry a tune in a bucket" 意味
  5. "cannot carry out one's reforms without the public's trust" 意味
  6. "cannot change one's phone number for work reasons" 意味
  7. "cannot change what happened anymore" 意味
  8. "cannot change with the times" 意味
  9. "cannot choose but do" 意味
  10. "cannot carry a tune in a bucket" 意味
  11. "cannot carry out one's reforms without the public's trust" 意味
  12. "cannot change one's phone number for work reasons" 意味
  13. "cannot change what happened anymore" 意味

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